pcrepair - Computer Repair Bootstrap Template

This is Clean Computer Repair Bootstrap Template.

Created: 10 june 2020
Latest Update:16 june 2020

Thank you for purchasing our theme. pcrepair - Computer Repair Bootstrap Template. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

Main File Structure

All the file are well organized, its so easy to work with the template.
1. Unzip the files.
2. Open "pcrepair" folder.
You will find the index.html file on the root that will be edited.
There are 4 directories directory "css, js, fonts, img".
In the css folder Content you will find style.css and other styling files the all the other files expect the htmls.
Js folder contain only the jquery library. Fonts folder contain essetial font files for fonts.

                            ├── css/
                            │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
                            │   ├── font-awesome.min.css
                            │   ├── magnific-popup.css
                            │   ├── animate.min.css
                            │   ├── mobiriseicons.css.css
                            │   ├── themify-icons.css
                            │   ├── owl.carousel.css
                            │   └── style.css
                            │   └── responsive.css
                            ├── fonts
                            ├── images
                            ├── js/
                            │   ├── -3.1.1.min.js
                            │   ├── bootstrap.min.js 
                            │   ├── scrollIt.min.js
                            │   ├── popper.min.js
                            │   ├── wow.min.js
                            │   ├── init.js
                            │   ├── owl.carousel.min.js 
                            │   ├── plugins.js 
                            │   ├── apear.js 
                            │   ├── jquery.magnific-popup.min.js 
                            │   ├── custom.js 
                            ├── index.html

HTML Structure

The base structure was organized by row, col-** class
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                            <h2 class="slider-one__title">Repair your Computer <br>
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                         <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6 p-0">
                            <div class="single-offer">
                               <i class="icon mbri-laptop"></i>
                               <h3>Display Repair</h3>
                               <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet csectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tem incididunt</p>
                               <a class="circle-read-more" href="#"> <i class="ti-angle-right"></i> </a> 
                         <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6 p-0">
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                               <i class="icon mbri-camera"></i>
                               <h3>Camera Fixing</h3>
                               <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet csectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tem incididunt</p>
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                               <i class="icon mbri-android"></i>
                               <h3>Software Update</h3>
                               <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet csectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tem incididunt</p>
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                               <i class="icon mbri-desktop"></i>
                               <h3>Desktop Service</h3>
                               <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet csectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tem incididunt</p>
                               <a class="circle-read-more" href="#"> <i class="ti-angle-right"></i> </a> 
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                <!-- ============= About Start =============-->
                <section class="section_70" data-scroll-index="1">
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                      <div class="section-title">
                         <span>What We Do </span>
                         <h2>About Us</h2>
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                            <div class="video-promo-content mb-md-4 mb-lg-0">
                               <h2>Service We Offers</h2>
                               <p>Interactively develop timely niche markets before extensive imperatives. Professionally
                                  repurpose interoperable growth strategies before effective core competencies.
                               <ul class="list-unstyled tech-feature-list">
                                  <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-check-box mr-2"></span><strong>Display Repair</strong> Services </li>
                                  <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-check-box mr-2"></span><strong>Motherboard Change</strong> Service</li>
                                  <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-check-box mr-2"></span><strong>Software Update</strong> Services</li>
                                  <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-check-box mr-2"></span><strong>Removal Virus</strong> Services</li>
                                  <li class="py-1"><span class="ti-check-box mr-2"></span><strong>Camera Repair</strong> Services</li>
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                               <img src="images/about-img.jpg" alt="video" class="img-fluid rounded shadow-sm" data-popupalt-original-title="null" title="video">
                               <div class="card-img-overlay text-center" data-popupalt-original-title="null" title="video"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9No-FiEInLA" class="popup-youtube video-play-icon color-bip shadow"><span class="ti-control-play" data-popupalt-original-title="null" title="null"></span> </a> </div>
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                <!-- ============= Services Start =============-->
                <section class="services-sec service-area-two section_70" data-scroll-index="2">
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                      <div class="section-title">
                         <span>What We Do </span>
                      <div class="row mt-4">
                         <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInLeft">
                            <a href="#">
                               <article class="service-block-2 text-center">
                                     <img src="images/service_2.jpg" alt="service" />
                                     Display Repair
                                     <br />
                                     <span>Starting @ $99</span>
                         <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInLeft">
                            <a href="#">
                               <article class="service-block-2 text-center">
                                     <img src="images/service_2.jpg" alt="service" />
                                     Motherboard Change
                                     <br />
                                     <span>Starting @ $59</span>
                         <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInLeft">
                            <a href="#">
                               <article class="service-block-2 text-center">
                                     <img src="images/service_3.jpg" alt="service" />
                                     Camera Fixing
                                     <br />
                                     <span>Starting @ $33</span>
                         <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInRight">
                            <a href="#">
                               <article class="service-block-2 text-center">
                                     <img src="images/service_4.jpg" alt="service" />
                                     Software Updates
                                     <br />
                                     <span>Starting @ $29</span>
                         <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInRight">
                            <a href="#">
                               <article class="service-block-2 text-center">
                                     <img src="images/service_4.jpg" alt="service" />
                                     Display Repair
                                     <br />
                                     <span>Starting @ $29</span>
                         <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeInRight">
                            <a href="#">
                               <article class="service-block-2 text-center">
                                     <img src="images/service_6.jpg" alt="service" />
                                     Virus Removal
                                     <br />
                                     <span>Starting @ $15</span>
                <!-- ============= Services End =============-->
                <!-- ============= Team Start =============-->
                <section class="section_70 section-content-block section-secondary-bg"  data-scroll-index="3">
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                         <span>Technical Team</span>
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                            <div class="team-layout-1 text-center">
                               <figure class="team-member">
                                  <a href="#" title="MELISSA MUNOZ">
                                  <img src="images/team_1.jpg" alt="MELISSA MUNOZ" />
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                                  <h3>PETER PARKER</h3>
                                  <span class="team-seperator"></span>
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                                  <a href="#" title="ALEXANDER GARY">
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                                  <h3>WANDA WILSON</h3>
                                  <span class="team-seperator"></span>                                   
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                            <div class="team-layout-1 text-center">
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                                  <a href="#" title="JOHN ABRAHAM">
                                  <img src="images/team_3.jpg" alt="JOHN ABRAHAM" />
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                                  <h3>BRUCE BANNER</h3>
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                                  <a href="#" title="JOHN ABRAHAM">
                                  <img src="images/team_4.jpg" alt="JOHN ABRAHAM" />
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                                  <h3>LEX LUTHOR</h3>
                                  <span class="team-seperator"></span>                            
                <!-- ============= Team End =============-->
                <!-- ============= Counter Start =============-->
                <section class="counter-section" style="background-image: url(images/counter_bg.jpg)">
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                      <!-- Sec Title -->
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                         <h2>Our Team Result</h2>
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                                     <span class="count-text" data-speed="3000ms" data-stop="105">0</span>+
                                     <div class="counter-title">Team Members</div>
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                                     <div class="counter-title">Client’s Feedback</div>
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                                     <span class="count-text" data-speed="2000" data-stop="15">0</span>+
                                     <div class="counter-title">Winning Awards</div>
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                                     <span class="count-text" data-speed="1500" data-stop="310">0</span>+
                                     <div class="counter-title">Completed Works</div>
                <!-- ============= Counter End =============-->
                <!-- ============= Pricing Start =============-->
                <section class="pricing-sec section_70" data-scroll-index="4">
                   <div class="container">
                      <!-- Sec Title -->
                      <div class="section-title">
                         <span>Pricing plan</span>
                         <h2>Affordable pricing</h2>
                      <div class="row">
                         <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 wow fadeInLeft" >
                            <div class="price-table-layout-1">
                               <div class="price-table-header">
                                  <h3 class="heading text-uppercase">BASIC</h3>
                                  <span class="subtitle text-uppercase">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span>
                                  <div class="price-value">99
                                     <span class="currency">$</span>
                                     <span class="month">/mo</span>
                               <ul class="pricing-content">
                                  <li>Laptop Servicing</li>
                                  <li>OS Installation</li>
                                  <li>Antivirus Installation</li>
                                  <li>Data Recovery</li>
                                  <li>Mobile Unlocking</li>
                               <a href="#" class="price-plan-btn">BOOK NOW</a>
                         <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 wow fadeInLeft" >
                            <div class="price-table-layout-1">
                               <div class="price-table-header">
                                  <h3 class="heading text-uppercase">Standard</h3>
                                  <span class="subtitle text-uppercase">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span>
                                  <div class="price-value">199
                                     <span class="currency">$</span>
                                     <span class="month">/mo</span>
                               <ul class="pricing-content">
                                  <li>Laptop Servicing</li>
                                  <li>OS Installation</li>
                                  <li>Antivirus Installation</li>
                                  <li>Data Recovery</li>
                                  <li>Mobile Unlocking</li>
                               <a href="#" class="price-plan-btn">BOOK NOW</a>
                         <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 wow fadeInLeft" >
                            <div class="price-table-layout-1">
                               <div class="price-table-header">
                                  <h3 class="heading text-uppercase">PROFESSIONAL</h3>
                                  <span class="subtitle text-uppercase">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span>
                                  <div class="price-value">999
                                     <span class="currency">$</span>
                                     <span class="month">/mo</span>
                               <ul class="pricing-content">
                                  <li>Laptop Servicing</li>
                                  <li>OS Installation</li>
                                  <li>Antivirus Installation</li>
                                  <li>Data Recovery</li>
                                  <li>Mobile Unlocking</li>
                               <a href="#" class="price-plan-btn">BOOK NOW</a>
                <!-- ============= Pricing End =============-->
                <!-- ============= Testimonials Start =============-->
                <section class="testimonial-section" data-scroll-index="5">
                   <div class="patern-layer" style="background-image: url(images/pattern-bg.png)"></div>
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                      <!-- Sec Title -->
                      <div class="section-title">
                         <h2>What Clients Says</h2>
                      <!-- Product Thumbs Carousel -->
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                         <div class="client-thumb-outer">
                            <div class="client-thumbs-carousel owl-carousel owl-theme">
                               <div class="thumb-item">
                                  <figure class="thumb-box"><img src="images/author-1.jpg" alt="author"></figure>
                                  <div class="author-info">
                                     <div class="author-name">JAMES HANSON</div>
                                     <div class="designation">Engineering Officer</div>
                               <div class="thumb-item">
                                  <figure class="thumb-box"><img src="images/author-2.jpg" alt="author"></figure>
                                  <div class="author-info">
                                     <div class="author-name">ROBERT PATTINSON</div>
                                     <div class="designation">Engineering Officer</div>
                               <div class="thumb-item">
                                  <figure class="thumb-box"><img src="images/author-3.jpg" alt="author"></figure>
                                  <div class="author-info">
                                     <div class="author-name">CROWNA BATTION</div>
                                     <div class="designation">Marketing manager</div>
                               <div class="thumb-item">
                                  <figure class="thumb-box"><img src="images/author-1.jpg" alt="author"></figure>
                                  <div class="author-info">
                                     <div class="author-name">JAMES HANSON</div>
                                     <div class="designation">Engineering Officer</div>
                               <div class="thumb-item">
                                  <figure class="thumb-box"><img src="images/author-2.jpg" alt="author"></figure>
                                  <div class="author-info">
                                     <div class="author-name">ROBERT PATTINSON</div>
                                     <div class="designation">Engineering Officer</div>
                               <div class="thumb-item">
                                  <figure class="thumb-box"><img src="images/author-3.jpg" alt="author"></figure>
                                  <div class="author-info">
                                     <div class="author-name">CROWNA BATTION</div>
                                     <div class="designation">Marketing manager</div>
                         <!-- Client Testimonial Carousel -->
                         <div class="client-testimonial-carousel owl-carousel owl-theme">
                            <!--Testimonial Block -->
                            <div class="testimonial-block">
                               <div class="inner-box">
                                  <div class="text">I greatly appreciate working with the professional and dedicated <br>
                                     teams at Facmaster. I feel that they strongly recognize the opportunities to partner together for <br>
                                     mutually successful business. 
                                  <div class="quote-outer">
                                     <div class="quote-icon fas fa-quote-left"></div>
                                  <div class="rating"> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> </div>
                            <!--Testimonial Block -->
                            <div class="testimonial-block">
                               <div class="inner-box">
                                  <div class="text">I greatly appreciate working with the professional and dedicated <br>
                                     teams at Facmaster. I feel that they strongly recognize the opportunities to partner together for <br>
                                     mutually successful business. 
                                  <div class="quote-outer">
                                     <div class="quote-icon fas fa-quote-left"></div>
                                  <div class="rating"> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> </div>
                            <!--Testimonial Block -->
                            <div class="testimonial-block">
                               <div class="inner-box">
                                  <div class="text">I greatly appreciate working with the professional and dedicated <br>
                                     teams at Facmaster. I feel that they strongly recognize the opportunities to partner together for <br>
                                     mutually successful business. 
                                  <div class="quote-outer">
                                     <div class="quote-icon fas fa-quote-left"></div>
                                  <div class="rating"> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> </div>
                            <!--Testimonial Block -->
                            <div class="testimonial-block">
                               <div class="inner-box">
                                  <div class="text">I greatly appreciate working with the professional and dedicated <br>
                                     teams at Facmaster. I feel that they strongly recognize the opportunities to partner together for <br>
                                     mutually successful business. 
                                  <div class="quote-outer">
                                     <div class="quote-icon fas fa-quote-left"></div>
                                  <div class="rating"> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> </div>
                            <!--Testimonial Block -->
                            <div class="testimonial-block">
                               <div class="inner-box">
                                  <div class="text">I greatly appreciate working with the professional and dedicated <br>
                                     teams at Facmaster. I feel that they strongly recognize the opportunities to partner together for <br>
                                     mutually successful business. 
                                  <div class="quote-outer">
                                     <div class="quote-icon fas fa-quote-left"></div>
                                  <div class="rating"> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> <span class="fa fa-star"></span> </div>
                            <!--Testimonial Block -->
                            <div class="testimonial-block">
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                                  <div class="text">I greatly appreciate working with the professional and dedicated <br>
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  • Valid HTML5 & CSS3
  • Build on Bootstrap 4+
  • Advance Framework
  • Responsive Design
  • Clean & Optimized Code
  • Crossbrowser Compatible with IE10+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome
  • W3 validator
  • Awesome Customized Slider
  • Font Awesome Icon Fonts
  • Google Fonts
  • Awesome Support

Installing Template (FTP Install)

  • Unzip the archive downloaded from your account
  • Open your FTP manager and login to your hosting.
  • Browse the required directory (Normally public_html)
  • Upload the files inside pcrepair folder.

Email Send Process

  • Open send_form_email.php

    $email_to = "you@yourdomain.com";
    $email_subject = "Your email subject line";

Sources & Credits


Thank you for reading the documentaion. If you still have any question or any problem, please contact with us. We will give you best support. Thanks.